Wednesday, March 3, 2010

erik weihenmayer

Some folks have wondered how I can do the little things I do, despite my visual impairment. For the left-brained folks I will try to explain the paradoxes of Retinitis Pigmentosa(RP) in a later blog post.
For now, I want to point out that, my puny achievements pale in comparison to that of Erik Weihenmayer’s. He is the first completely blind person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, yes, you read it right, in 2001. Time magazine, in the same year, had an article on him aptly titled Blind to Failure. I saw his documentary, Farther Than the Eye Can See, on his historic climb, and could not help sobbing at the end of the film.
Besides being a mountain climber Erik is also a skydiver, marathon runner, long distance biker, skier and rock climber.
To me, he is the epitome of fearlessness, determination and belief in self.
He is an inspiration not only to the visually impaired and blind folks, but also to the normal folks.
When I read about the achievements of such folks I often wonder about what is it beyond vision, that gives them the drive, and wish it could be reduced to a simple formula. Any thoughts on the formula?

1 comment:

  1. Well I’m not much into philosophy - but vision is just one of our senses. While many of us with all of sense intact may misuse it he enjoyed immensely what he had left. You’re doing good to Mani!
