Tuesday, March 9, 2010

vision simulator

People have often asked me how much and what I can actually see. I try my best to subjectively explain my vision but I am sure I still leave a cloud in the minds of the questioners. I carry with me, simulator glasses which is nothing but a dark, plastic wraparound with pinholes in the center. This does give the sense of the limited peripheral vision I have but completely belies the clarity of vision, which I do not possess.

Lighthouse International in its website, features a low vision simulator that shows how a person with a vision disorder, sees the world. On the web page, for Video, plug in the URL of your favorite YouTube video and for Vision, pick Retinitis Pigmentosa.

While no simulator can accurately simulate what a person with an eye disorder actually sees, it suggests some of the visual problems a person with a vision disorder experiences everyday.
Go ahead and click away at the Vision Simulator.

1 comment:

  1. It isn't a surprise that people question you. I have been riduculed through school and college becuase in class 2 I was the only kid who wore thick glasses. Through college I was and continue to be among the few who wear glasses and not contact lenses. I have tried telling people time and again I have astigmatism that is an oblong cornea and not a spherical one. I have severe astigmatism which cannot be corrected by lenses. Now I have stopped answering and take pride in my glasses. People who have a problem can go fish!
